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These pages are dedicated to the memory of
Peter Hesketh.

Shirenewton Women's Institute

Shirenewton WI was started in 1952. Forty members were present at the first meeting, when Mrs. Ferard of Devauden Green gave a talk on 'India'.

Fifty four years later, Shirenewton WI is still flourishing with thirty members. Our monthly meeting is held on the third Thursday of every month at the Recreation Hall, commencing at 7.15 pm.

The programme is varied with the aim to provide speakers that will appeal to all members. For example, we have had a slide show taking us on a walk from Lands End to Loch Maree in Scotland, a talk on the training of Guide Dogs for the Blind, the speaker being accompanied by his own guide dog, and a talk on a local Ostrich Farm. Other meetings arranged for the rest of the year are "The History and Taste of Wine", "The Red Cross" and "Wildlife in Gwent". Usually in July, weather permitting, a Garden Party is held at the home of the President, when our minds are tested with a garden quiz before partaking of refreshments.

The social side is not forgotten and every March a Birthday Party is held. This is always a successful and popular evening with members providing a two course supper, and guests are invited from four neighbouring WI branches; this is followed by some form of entertainment. In August we have our Summer Dinner that is held at various venues in the area. Our Christmas Dinner, in place of our December meeting, is normally held at The Huntsman.

As well as our monthly meetings members regularly attend events organised by the Gwent Federation.

During the summer months members look after The Holy Well in the village (locally known at The Spout) on a rota basis, and keep it looking tidy and attractive.

Shirenewton WI has its own very accomplished Hand Chime Group which regularly entertains.

Shirenewton WI members provide teas at the Annual Fete in June, and a Bazaar is also held before Christmas when handicrafts made by members are on sale.

To mark the Millennium a red hawthorn tree has been planted in the churchyard.

New members are always welcome at our meetings; please come and join us.